Detox, weightloss and pollution protection

The most amazing antioxidant and detoxifier: sulforaphane in broccoli seed extract

According to the National Academy of Science, broccoli and broccoli sprouts contain the largest amounts of glucosinolates and sulforaphane, which are potent inducers of enzymes that protect against chemical carcinogens and involve in liver detoxification. In its raw form, broccoli has a substance called myrosinase inside it, which converts to...

What does your gut say? Don’t guess, test.

Our approach at IMI is to determine the exact causes of your gut issues. To do this, our naturopaths may recommend industry-leading tests that will pinpoint the reasons you’re struggling. Here’s a snapshot of the main tests that have helped our naturopaths heal a myriad gut challenges. Comprehensive stool analysis:...

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