Health screenings

Find diseases early, when they’re easier to treat.

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Compare our screenings

This simple blood test provides elementary screening for coronary risks, blood glucose and kidney function.

Cost: $690

This basic annual screening checks your complete blood count, inflammation (ESR), liver function, coronary risk (cholesterol), glucose, uric acid, bone and renal function. This is a first morning fasting blood test with the addition of a routine urinalysis.

Cost: $990

Screen for the common conditions that can impact people <50 years old with this morning fasting blood test. Including the Basic Check Up, the All Essential Check Up also measures high sensitivity C reactive protein (hs CRP), homocysteine (B vitamins), vitamin B12, vitamin D (total), ferritin and thyroid (TSH) levels, and diabetes screen.

Cost: $2880

The ideal comprehensive test if you’re under the age of 50. Including the All Essential Check Up, this morning fasting blood test also measures your RBC folate, LDH, DHEA-S, and complete thyroid panel (TSH, free T3, Free T4). The comprehensive test includes a routine urine analysis.

Cost: $4550

Suitable for men over 45, this economical morning fasting blood test includes the Basic Check Up and measures your BMI, blood pressure, HbA1c (pre diabetes), TSH (thyroid), and three cancer markers - colon, NPC and PSA.

Cost: $1930

Suitable for women over 45, this economical morning fasting blood test includes the Basic Check Up and additionally measures your iron levels, BMI, blood pressure, HbA1c (to screen for pre-diabetes), TSH (thyroid) and three cancer markers - colon, NPC, ovary.

Cost: $1980

The ideal comprehensive initial test for men over 60. Including measurements for the All Essential Check Up, this test also measures your BMI (obesity check) and blood pressure, and looks at four cancer markers - colon, NPC, liver and PSA - as well as parasites and occult blood in the stool. The test includes a routine urine analysis.

Cost: $2880

The ideal comprehensive initial test for women over 60. Including measurements for the All Essential Check-Up, this test also measures your BMI (obesity check) and blood pressure and looks at three cancer markers - colon, ovary, and liver - as well as parasites and occult blood in the stool. The test includes a routine urine analysis.

Cost: $2880

Ideal for men and women over 50, this comprehensive blood test panel examines intrinsic factors that affect your aging process.

This test investigates your levels of hormones, from DHEA, to cortisol, progesterone and more. It also analyses your fasting glucose, uric acid and nutrients that influence aging.

This is the ideal comprehensive test if you’re interested in anti-aging hormone support, suspected age-related changes or determining the causes of fatigue.

Cost: $8630 for women, $8150 for men

How to order the tests

If you'd like to define your health profile, our team of naturopaths can help you identify which tests would be best based on your health needs.Alternatively, if you know the exact test you need, you can book it with one of our medical doctors.

Simply call +852 2523 7121 or complete your request below, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Traditional Chinese version 繁體中文版



費用: $690 HKD


費用:$990 HKD

這套空腹血液檢查測試主要針對50歲以下常見疾病做篩檢。這個套餐包括了『基本驗血檢查』裡的檢測,還測量(發炎指標)高敏C反應蛋白的指標(hs CRP)、高半胱氨酸(B群維生素)、維生素B12、維生素D(總量) 、鐵蛋白和甲狀腺(TSH)的水平,以及糖尿病篩檢。

費用:$2880 HKD


費用:$4550 HKD


費用:$1930 HKD


費用:$1980 HKD

這是為60歲以上的男性提供理想的初步綜合測試。該測試包括 "所有基本檢查 "的項目,還測量您的BMI(肥胖檢查)和血壓,並查看四種癌症標誌物--結腸癌、鼻咽癌、肝癌和前列腺癌--以及寄生蟲和大便中的隱血。該測試包括一個常規的尿液分析。

費用:$2880 HKD


費用:$2880 HKD


費用:女性 $8630 / 男性 $8150 HKD



如果您知道您所需要的確切測試,並且不需要治療計劃,您可以通過我們的醫生預訂所需的測試來開始。請致電2523 7121或填寫查詢電子表格


Simplified Chinese version 简体中文版



费用: $690 HKD


费用:$990 HKD

这套空腹血检测试主要针对50岁以下人士常见疾病做筛查。这个套餐包括了“基本保健检查”里的检测,还测量(炎症指标)高敏C反应蛋白的指标(hs CRP)、高半胱氨酸(B族维生素)、维生素B12、维生素D(总量)、铁蛋白和甲状腺(TSH)的水平,以及糖尿病筛查。

费用:$2880 HKD


费用:$4550 HKD


费用:$1930 HKD


费用:$1980 HKD

这是为50岁以上的男性提供理想的初步综合测试。该测试包括 "所有基本检查 "的项目,还测量您的BMI(肥胖检查)和血压,并查看四种癌症标志物--结肠癌、鼻咽癌、肝癌和前列腺癌--以及寄生虫和大便中的隐血。该测试包括一个常规的尿液分析。

费用:$2880 HKD




费用:女性 $8630 / 男性 $8150 HKD



如果您知道您所需要的确切测试,并且不需要治疗计划,您可以通过我们的医生预订所需的测试来开始。请致电2523 7121或填写查询电子表格


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