How osteopathy strengthens your respiratory system and boosts your immunity

Respiratory health can be impacted by multiple factors  – some of which are far less obvious than a change in weather or a nasty bug doing the rounds. Excess weight, posture, a previous injury, for example, can all affect your ability to breathe easy. So too can former traumas, surgical...

Prevent antibiotics – take a natural approach to boost your child’s immunity

About this time of year at IMI, we start to see more cases of colds, coughs, flu and other illnesses that become increasingly common over the winter months. Living in Hong Kong, and the combined factors of pollution, a dense population, stressful living, rapid weather changes and the overuse of medications...

Do you know your friendly bacteria?

The value of probiotics became clear at the beginning of the 20th century when Nobel prize winner, Dr Elie Metchnikoff studied peasants who lived longer. He noted that their diets included natural probiotics foods like fermented yoghurt. He found there was a link between longevity and the natural probiotic bacteria...

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