
Obesity is a growing problem in Hong Kong, and comes with a whole host of associated conditions, from cardiovascular disease, to type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, high blood pressure and more.

Hong Kong studies estimated in 2014 / 2015 that around 50% of adults in Hong Kong are overweight or obese. This number has likely risen within the last decade with the shift towards a more Western diet.

Obesity comes hand in hand with symptoms that can impede your daily life.

Breathlessness. Struggling to do physical activity. Joint and back pain. Fatigue. Mental health concerns – including eating disorders, low self-esteem, depression and anxiety.

Obesity increases your risk of health problems, affecting every aspect of your health; from reproduction, to your brain and hormonal health.

Genetic factors do play a role in obesity, but the main cause is grounded in your lifestyle: the food you eat and the activity you participate in. Nutrient deficiencies are often associated with obesity.

Having an underactive thyroid affects your metabolism, making it easy to gain weight, and hard to lose it. Cushing’s syndrome is another cause of obesity.

Our naturopaths carry out genetic testing and assess your lifestyle to determine the causes of obesity.

Our industry leading tests pinpoint whether you’re working with your body, or against it, identifying the types of exercise and food that will support your optimal wellbeing.

We can also help identify nutritional imbalances; how you can reduce cholesterol levels and more.

What’s next?

Simply call +852 2523 7121, or connect with us below, and we'll be in touch shortly.

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