Pain can cause and reinforce your brain's danger alarm system, keeping you stuck in a pattern of pain. Learn how our osteopaths can soothe your nervous system.
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Helping your child overcome sports injuries
Sports injuries in kids are unavoidable, but we can reduce their risk of injury, as well as help them heal faster. Learn how osteopathy can help.
Growing pains in children
Growing pains in kids can be distressing for children and parents alike. But from at-home massage to osteopathy, there are natural solutions.
Osteopathic tips to relieve back pain during pregnancy
Back pain during pregnancy is common, but you don't have to suffer. osteopath and pain expert Maxi shares her tips for relieving pain in your third trimester.
Is the pandemic causing you pain?
Poor posture may not be the source of your discomfort. If you’re suddenly experiencing aches and pains and you don’t know why, there may be several lesser known, more deeply rooted issues now coming to the surface.
Heal or harm: the importance of practicing yoga with awareness
IMI osteopath and yogi Jonathan Vallade gives his expert advice for staying safe on the mat. Plus how osteopathy releases restrictions for an enriched yoga practise.
What are fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome?
IMI osteopath specialises in treating fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Discover how osteopathy helps treat complex pain conditions, offering meaningful relief.
How movement can transform your mental health
With the summer upon us, now may be the ideal time to explore different sports and physical activities to reduce pent-up stress and increase mental wellbeing,
How osteopathy strengthens your respiratory system and boosts your immunity
Respiratory health can be impacted by multiple factors – some of which are far less obvious than a change in weather or a nasty bug doing the rounds. Excess weight, posture, a previous injury, for example, can all affect your ability to breathe easy. So too can former traumas, surgical...
Are smartphones ruining your posture?
How many hours do you think you spend hunched over your smartphone? The answer is probably too many. Waiting for a bus? Friend a bit late? It’s all too easy to unlock the smartphone and start checking texts, emails, or social media – it hoovers up the nooks and crannies of...