How a man overcame his battle with anxiety and cardiovascular issues through osteopathy and kinesiology.
Mind, mood and brain power
Restore tranquillity of mind and spirit using Traditional Chinese Medicine
Hong Kong is a vibrant and exciting city, with a fast pace of life. It is challenging. Pushy crowds, hot and sticky weather, noisy construction, dirty air and long working hours, mean life can feel topsy-turvy. I remember meeting Tracy, a 41-year-old woman who after living in Hong Kong for...
Brilliance on a bike
How cycling bolsters children’s learning abilities. Winner of two world championships and three Tours de France, Greg LeMond is widely lauded as the greatest American cyclist of all time. He’s an entrepreneur, a trailblazer, an innovator, a survivor and a philanthropist. These labels that define the 57 year old cycling...
Brain-boosting breakfast recipes for super smart students
Power the brain with porridge Oats are a wonderful wholegrain, says Graeme. “A rich source of magnesium and potassium, B-complex, vitamin E, some protein and plenty of soluble fibre, regular intake of wholegrain oats help to regulate blood sugar keeping kids calm and grounded.” This delicious recipe combines organic wholegrain oats with creamy...
Breakfast for champions: start your child’s day the right way
Breakfast is essential for the brain, researchers advise. Did you know around 30% of students in Hong Kong skip breakfast? Here’s some food for thought: in two internationally recognized tests, students who ate breakfast every day performed better academically than their counterparts who skipped breakfast. In fact, students who ate...
You can grow a new brain every day
In one of the biggest neuroscience discoveries of the past 20 years, scientists recently revealed that our brain can generate around 700 newborn brain cells every day and especially at night throughout our entire life. What could this remarkable process called neurogenesis mean for you and your loved ones? It...
Brain boosters. Recommended by practitioners.
Our brains mediate our world. Inner and outer. They form connections. Govern our bodies. Keep memories alive. Motivate us to follow our passions. Nurturing our brain is vital, but often neglected. It copes, in spite of high stress, pollution and food with low nutritional value. At different stages of our...
Are you on the brink of burnout?
It’s all over the news: WHO officially announced burnout is a workplace disease. We’re not surprised: we’re treating an alarming number of professionals suffering from stress, anxiety, insomnia, and ultimate burnout every week. Burnout can have dire consequences – your career, home life, mental wellbeing and physical health can all...