Updated: 22 June 2022
Thousands have placed their trust in IMI since we began over thirty years, turning to us to support their health and wellbeing in good times and bad. As the pandemic continues to disrupt the lives of millions around the world, please be assured we are doing everything we can to ensure you receive the care you need to stay safe and well.
Here, you’ll find up-to-date information on our consultations, telehealth services, safety measures, free resources, and more. You can also find regular updates on our Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram social media pages.
In-clinic consultations
Clinic opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am – 6.30pm; Saturday 9am – 3.30pm.
Safety measures: We have comprehensive epidemic preventative measures in place to help safeguard you and our staff, which include
- Mandatory mask-wearing, hand-sanitising, temperature checks and travel history enquiry for every person entering the clinic.
- All staff and practitioners are required to take a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) in the morning and confirm a negative result before entering the clinic.
- Hourly disinfection of all areas within IMI
- Both the 13th and 17th floor have air purifiers proven to effectively eliminate >99.9% of COVID-19 within 30 minutes.
Telehealth services
Many of our practitioners offer remote consultations to support all clients and particularly those who are vulnerable, self-isolating, in quarantine, or Covid-positive.
To schedule an appointment, please email reception@imi.com.hk.
In-clinic dispensary
Our dispensary and shop opening hours are Monday to Friday 9am – 7pm; Saturday 9am – 4pm.
If you’re collecting prescriptions and orders, please note these take time to prepare. We therefore encourage you to email or call the dispensary ahead of collection. Like many businesses in Hong Kong, we have been affected by an acute shortage and suspension of courier services. We’re therefore unable to deliver to your home, however we can deliver to an SF collection point of your choice for self-pick up (Hong Kong and Kowloon only).
For dispensary and home delivery-related enquiries, please email dispensary@imi.com.hk.
Supplements online
For your convenience, supplements are also available online. In light of courier services challenges, delivery and self-pick up details are as follows:
HK Island and Kowloon. IMI’s own staff are doing their best to deliver products to clients. There may be delays of 5 – 7 days. We ask for your kind patience and understanding.
Deliveries to New Territories and Outlying Islands. We’re unable to deliver products to your home at this time and so cannot process online orders. We hope to resolve this soon. In the meantime, you may prefer to come to our clinic to buy products.
Temperature sensitive probiotics or supplements. We’re unable to deliver orders due to the current suspension of temperature-controlled courier services. While we find ways to address this, you may wish to purchase these products at IMI clinic.
Free mental health support
This latest wave has taken an unprecedented toll on people’s mental health. If you’d like support to cope during these difficult times, please know we’re here for you. We offer:
Monday Mindfulness – an IMI community led by experienced practitioners that offer a wide range of mindfulness practices to promote inner peace and balance. Now online. Every Monday at 6.45pm.
Covid resources
Our practitioners are committed to ensuring you and your family have all the information you need to protect your physical, mental and emotional health during the pandemic. From how to boost immunity to safeguard against infection to how to cope if you do test positive, you’ll find research articles, practitioner blogs, videos, media coverage and more here. We hope this helps.
How to pause and focus on deep breathing
When you feel anxious or your mind spirals into thoughts about the future or the past, your body automatically activates your sympathetic nervous system to prepare you to fight or...
The integrated approach to immunity
The importance of taking an integrated approach to immunity. For many Hong Kongers, life is returning to normal. A new kind of normal. As we all prepare to go back...
G-NiiB probiotics – world’s first microbiome-based immunity formulas now available at IMI
Chinese University of Hong Kong scientists create G-NiiB formula after research shows good gut bacteria can reduce the severity of COVID-19 and likelihood of long COVID and may enhance immune...
AMA with Dr Benita Perch on Facebook Live (1 March 2022)
Facebook live with Dr Benita Perch “How do I protect myself and my kids against Covid?”, “I’ve got Covid. Help!”, “Should I vaccinate my kids?”, “What protocol should I follow...
How to cope at home if you test positive for Covid-19 – SCMP interviews Dr Benita Perch
Five ergonomic tips to improve your posture and protect your physical and mental health
IMI bodywork practitioner explains the link and provides proven tips to posture-proof your work environment for improved mental wellbeing.
When silence isn’t golden
From repression to expression, counsellor Catriona Rogers shares the reasons men hold back, the detrimental effects, and simple techniques to end the silence.
Teen mental health and what you should know
Teen stress, anxiety, depression and social withdrawal is on the rise, and we can all do more to help. In this video, IMI Clinical Psychologist Karen Lau shares with you:...
Surviving the pandemic and quarantine
In Hong Kong we have one of the strictest quarantine policies in the world which is causing much anguish and frustration at not being able to travel freely to see...
How mindfulness can help you during the pandemic
Supporting, strengthening and sustaining our mental wellbeing, particularly in these challenging times, is as important as focusing on our physical wellbeing.
Pandemic parenting: why mums are burning out and strategies to recover
As the pandemic wears on, it’s natural and normal for mums to feel worn out. But it’s not ok to burnout. Core Process Psychotherapist Carole Bradshaw and Naturopathic Physician Benita Perch share the tell-tale signs of burnout and practical steps to recover.
Mental health: how to help yourself and others during the pandemic
Core Process Psychotherapist Carole Bradshaw shares why the pandemic has triggered an epidemic of fear; the consequences of unmanaged fear, and solutions to support you and loved ones through uncertain times.
新型冠狀病毒 (Covid-19)
新型冠狀病毒肺炎 (Covid-19) 已正式宣佈被列為全球大流行。 出於對健康和安全的關注,數百萬人的生活受到干擾,許多人會因此而感到焦慮、恐懼和沮喪。 我們會為你提供相關知識、實用的建議和指引,協助你渡過這艱難的時刻。
Covid-19 屬於冠狀病毒家族。 冠狀病毒是一個龐大的病毒家族。有幾種已知的冠狀病毒可以感染人類,通常只會引起普通感冒等輕症。但是,至少有兩種較早前已發現的冠狀病毒可以引起嚴重疾病,例如是2003年嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(SARS)。
Covid-19的最常見症狀是發燒、疲勞、喉嚨痛和咳嗽。 這些症狀通常較輕,尤其是對於兒童和年輕人。 有些人可能被感染但沒有出現症狀或感到不適。
據估計,大約80%的患者會在幾天內康復。 約有六分之一的患者病情會比較嚴重並出現呼吸困難。 年齡較大或免疫系統受損的人,有較大機會出現嚴重情況。
專家建議,預防 Covid-19 的最佳方法包括時刻保持良好的個人和環境衛生、盡量與他人保持適當的社交距離、避免所有非必要的外遊計劃和增強免疫力。
香港特別行政區政府已對抵港前14日曾到訪過疫情較嚴重地區的所有人發布了為期14日的強制性檢疫令。 此處提供最新信息:https://www.coronavirus.gov.hk/chi/inbound-travel.html
如果你在隔離期間感到不適,請你與你的醫生診所或醫院管理局旗下的醫院聯繫。 一些大型的私人醫療機構和公立醫院可向病人分發樣本瓶,以便你自行採集唾液樣本進行呼吸道疾病測試,包括Covid-19。
為了保障客人的健康和讓你安心,我們會向客人查詢旅遊史。 亦會對每個進入IMI 診所的人進行溫度檢查和強制性的手部消毒。 請注意,任何人向醫生提供虛假或具誤導性病歷及旅遊史,屬刑事罪行。
如果你確實需要在 Covid-19 爆發期間出遊,希望此免疫指南能為你提供幫助。
對於尚未接觸疫情嚴重地區而出現的發燒或流感症狀,請聯絡你的診所或醫療服務提供者。 若你正在尋求天然藥物的治療,我們可以提供視像如Skype和電話諮詢。
現最重要的是支持和增強你的免疫系統。 請在此處參考 IMI 專業治療師的健康建議。
你可以蒞臨本店藥房或 IMI 網上營養補充品店選購高質營養補充品和健康產品。
現時互聯網上流傳著許多有關此病毒的各類不確切信息。 為避免引起任何恐慌,我們建議參閱政府認可的網站,例如衛生防護中心。 你亦可於此處參閱由自然療法世界總會所提供的資訊,當中包含了基本建議,並融合自然療法醫學價值的平衡觀點,以降低受感染的風險。