Could a medical test change your life?

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You probably experience symptoms like headaches, brain fog or low energy. These symptoms often go disregarded, but usually, they’re a sign something’s not right.

Chronic symptoms shouldn’t be your baseline.

You may reach for a paracetamol or a cup of coffee as remedy, but these solutions only provide a band-aid, rather than resolving the cause.

Medical testing can uncover the root cause of your symptoms, direct a treatment plan and help you liver a fuller, happier life.

Even if you aren’t experiencing symptoms, you should be getting regular bloodwork to ensure your body is working at its best.

Read on to learn which symptoms require testing and how to prepare yourself mentally for having blood drawn or taking a stool sample.

Is routine blood work necessary?

Regular bloodwork, also known as a health screening is the best way to measure your physical health year on year.

Blood work screens your overall health, checking important nutrient levels, as well as the health of organs like your liver (which helps flush out toxins) and your thyroid (which governs most of your body’s critical functions).

How often do I need to have a blood test?

You should aim to have blood work done at least once every two years. For the over 40s, you should aim to get tested once a year.

What blood test should I take?

Our comprehensive analysis measures essential areas of your wellbeing.

The comprehensive analysis checks:

  • Common deficiencies, including B12, folate, vitamin D and ferritin (iron) levels
  • Thyroid, liver and kidney function
  • Anti-aging markers, analysing your DHEA levels
  • Cardiovascular health and cholesterol levels

Compare our health screening and blood tests.

Common digestive symptoms

A 2021 survey found that around 40% of people worldwide experience digestive issues. [1]

So if you’re one of the many who experience bloating, reflux, gas, digestive pain, constipation and diarrhoea, you’re not alone.

It’s important to listen to these signals from your body: they’re a sign that something is out of balance.

Gut symptoms like these are caused by a variety of issues.

Food intolerances

When you eat a food you’re intolerant to, it can cause all the symptoms above and more.

People can be intolerant to all foods, but the main culprits are gluten, dairy, histamines (often found in alcohol, cheese and smoked meats), caffeine, sulphites and FODMAPs (think apples, soft cheese, onions, garlic and bread).

If you keep eating a food you’re intolerant to you can damage your gut lining, causing leaky gut, which reduces your ability to absorb nutrients and allows matter from the gut to leak into other parts of the body.

If food intolerances are the cause of your digestive discomfort, you may also feel tired and weak.

Compare our food intolerance tests.


Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is another cause for uncomfortable digestive symptoms.

SIBO occurs when you have more bad bacteria than good bacteria in the gut – also known as dysbiosis. Around 40% of people in Hong Kong have dysbiosis. [2]


Travelling can leave you with more than just memories! Parasites can cause pain, diarrhoea, gas and bloating, nausea and feeling tired.

Large intestine imbalances

Imbalances like bacterial overgrowth in the large intestine lead to digestive symptoms.

Our digestive tests can check for SIBO, parasites and other digestive factors that may be causing your symptoms.

Tired all the time?

If you’re tired all the time, don’t just put it down to working hard and playing hard. Often, there’s a clear cause.

Hormonal imbalances of oestrogen, progesterone and cortisol can cause tiredness.

Other symptoms of hormonal imbalance include digestive issues, unexplained weight gain or weight loss, high cholesterol levels, depression and anxiety.

Our naturopaths recommend the DUTCH hormone test to check your hormones are within the healthy range.

Toxins, especially heavy metals, are another cause of tiredness.

If your body is working overtime to counteract the high toxic load it experiences on a daily basis, then you’ll struggle to function at your best.

Our toxin tests measure heavy metals, mould, herbicides and more, to ensure your body isn’t under any unnecessary stress.

Staying healthy as you age

If you’re interested in preventative care, or perhaps you know you’re genetically predisposed to particular chronic illness, you may benefit from a DNA test.

These tests analyse your genetics to figure out the best treatment plan so you can mitigate the chances of developing chronic illness.

From diet, to supplements and exercise, our naturopaths can help guide you as you discover the route to wellbeing as you age.

Other symptoms that should be tested

Cognitive symptoms like brain fog.

Hormonal issues like PMS, perimenopause and menopause, to reproductive health and pregnancy issues.

Anxiety and depression, which can be checked for genetic, nutritional or hormonal factors.

Sometimes people with depression have methylation issues and cannot absorb B vitamins unless they’re in a bioavailable form. A suitable supplement may help alleviate symptoms.

Neurological symptoms like numbness, tingling or headaches – which is often toxic overload manifesting as symptoms.

Sleep issues can also be an indicator that something is out of balance.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, we recommend you book an appointment with our naturopaths to talk through which test is right for your needs.

Taking tests

There are three types of test: blood, urine and stool.

Blood tests – it’s common to be apprehensive. Rescue remedy is useful for soothing nervousness. You can buy this from our dispensary or online.

Another great remedy is the homeopathic aconite – perfect for easing acute anxiety. Also available from our dispensary.

When you get your blood drawn, let your practitioner know you’re nervous. Saying it out loud can help ease anxiety. Practise deep breathing as they draw your blood, focusing and elongating your exhale to aid relaxation.

A urine sample should be your first wee of the day. Label your sample pot first, and then take your sample. Some urine tests may require you to wee on strips four times over the course of the day, but don’t worry, your practitioner will direct you.

The dreaded stool sample. Let’s be direct here. Taking a stool sample isn’t fun, but it can reveal all sorts of important things about your health.

We recommend placing some clingfilm loosely over the toilet bowl so you can easily take a sample. After you’ve taken your sample, slide your poop into the toilet and dispose of the cling film.

You can dab an essential oil under your nose for a little olfactory comfort – lavender is great for relaxation.

In summary

In clinic we’ve seen huge changes to people’s quality of life when they test their symptoms and treat the root cause.

If you’ve got time this summer, take a moment to consider the ‘why’ of your symptoms, rather than covering them with a band-aid.

Navigating your symptoms and figuring out which test is right for your needs and concerns is complex. That’s where our naturopaths come in. Chatting to one of our naturopaths can help clearly define the tests that are right for you, so you’re one step closer to figuring out the why, and getting a plan in place to regain full health.

Your moments of pause this summer could be used to find meaningful healing.

[1] Worldwide prevalence and burden of gastrointestinal disorders, 2021
[2] 40% of Hong Kong people show gut dysbiosis, 2020

Chinese version 中文版


你有頭痛、腦霧或經常感到能量不足等症狀嗎? 這些慢性症狀經常被忽視,但它們可能是出現問題的先兆。醫學檢查可以揭示症狀的根本原因,從而解決你的健康問題。根據檢查報告所得出的結果從而提供個人化健康指導和治療計劃,幫助您過上更充實、更快樂的生活。即使您沒有出現相關症狀,定期進行血液檢查可以確保您的身體處於最佳狀態。




建議至少每兩年進行一次血液檢查。 而40 歲以上人士應該每年進行一次檢查。



  • 常見缺乏症,包括維他命B12、葉酸、維他命D 和鐵蛋白(鐵)水平

  • 甲狀腺、肝腎功能

  • 抗衰老指標,分析 DHEA 水平

  • 心血管健康和膽固醇水平



2021 年的一項調查發現,全球約 40% 的人存在消化問題[1 ]: 例如腹脹、胃酸倒流、脹氣、消化疼痛、便秘和腹瀉等,此類腸道症狀是由多種問題引起的。


普遍是由麩質、乳製品、組胺(通常存在於酒精、奶酪和熏肉中)、咖啡因、亞硫酸鹽和 FODMAP(例如蘋果、軟奶酪、洋蔥、大蒜和麵包)引致。




小腸菌叢過度增生 SIBO
當腸道內的壞細菌多於好細菌時,就會產生 SIBO,也稱為生態失調。 約40%的香港人患有菌群失調。 [2]




DUTCH 激素測試可以檢查您的激素是否在健康範圍內。毒素,尤其是重金屬,是導致疲勞的另一個原因。我們的毒素測試可測量重金屬、黴菌、除草劑等,以確保身體不會承受任何不必要的壓力。

我們的消化系統測試可以檢查 SIBO、寄生蟲和其他可能導致您出現症狀的不同因素。


DNA 測試能分析您的遺傳學,找出最佳的治療計劃,從而降低患慢性病的機會。




有時抑鬱症患者存在甲基化問題,無法正常吸收維他命B雜,除非是生物可利用的形式。 合適的補充劑可能有助於緩解症狀。






血液檢查——抽血時難免有擔心和緊張,救援療法和順勢療法對於緩解緊張情緒很有效。 您可以從我們的藥房IMI網店購買。


尿液樣本應該在早上起床後第一次的小便時收集。 首先給樣品罐貼上標籤,然後取樣。 有些尿液測試可能要求您一天內用試紙小便四次,但不用擔心,醫生會給您適當的指示。




了解您的症狀並確定哪種測試最適合您的需求是一個複雜的過程。 我們的自然療法師可以幫助您清楚地確定最合適的測試,助您找出問題根源並製定個人化健康計劃。

What’s next?

Return to your natural state of wellbeing with the help of our naturopaths.

Simply call +852 2523 7121 or complete your request below, and we'll be in touch shortly to confirm your appointment.

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