
Mina Weight


M.A., RS Hom. (UK)


Mina Weight


M.A., RS Hom. (UK)


Mina Weight


M.A., RS Hom. (UK)

Areas of Expertise

  • Mental and emotional health (acute and chronic anxiety, obsessive behaviours, depression, your relationship with food)
  • Sleep problems
  • Digestive conditions 
  • Women’s hormones (symptoms of PMS, menstruation, perimenopause and menopause)
  • Pregnancy (pregnancy issues, breastfeeding problems and more)

“I relish the challenge of finding the right homeopathic remedy for all my patients and the satisfaction of seeing them return with renewed vigour and health.”

Mina Weight graduated from the London School of Classical Homeopathy and is a registered Homeopath with the Society of Homeopaths in the United Kingdom. During her 15 years of practice in the UK, Mina built up her own successful practices in Guildford and Cranleigh. In addition to this she taught Homeopathic Pharmacology and Philosophy, First Aid Homeopathy and tutored homeopathic students.

Mina is passionate about the body’s remarkable power to self-heal, aided by the right homeopathic remedy and a healthy lifestyle approach. Mina has a keen interest in treating mental and emotional health issues in children, teens and adults such as behavioural problems, anxiety, dietary issues, and stress related illnesses. Another of her specialities is women’s health: addressing symptoms of menstruation and menopause as well as providing support throughout pregnancy and beyond.

Mina is married with two grown up daughters and lives in South Lantau with her husband, two dogs and two cats. In addition to her long experience in homeopathy she has a degree in Chinese studies and is also a yoga teacher.  She hopes to offer homeopathy more widely to the Mandarin speaking community in Hong Kong.

Language: English, Mandarin (conversational), French

韋明霞 –註冊順勢療法醫師

韋明霞是英國順勢療法醫師協會註冊醫師,擁有豐富的家庭醫療護理經驗,能處理由嬰兒到長者的多種不同症狀。韋醫師尤精於母嬰健康 、兒童疾病、婦女月經紊亂及更年期症狀、精神及情緒問題如焦慮、 飲食失調、壓力性疾病等。韋醫師熱衷於為孕婦及初生嬰兒提供順勢療法健康護理和教育。

「我喜歡與求診者及其家人之間建立一種獨特的支持關係。 我亦很享受為每個人尋求合適的藥療過程當中的挑戰。當然我更愛看到他們重拾健康活力,令我有很大的滿足感!」





語言: 英文、 普通話 、法文


韦明霞 –注册顺势疗法医师

韦明霞是英国顺势疗法医师协会注册医师,拥有丰富的家庭医疗护理经验,能处理由婴儿到长者的多种不同症状。韦医师尤精于母婴健康、儿童疾病、妇女月经紊乱及更年期症状、精神及情绪问题如焦虑、 饮食失调、压力性疾病等。韦医师热衷于为孕妇及初生婴儿提供顺势疗法健康护理和教育。

「我喜欢与求诊者及其家人之间建立一种独特的支持关系。 我亦很享受为每个人寻求合适的药疗过程当中的挑战。当然我更爱看到他们重拾健康活力,令我有很大的满足感!」




语言: 英文、 普通话 、法文

Would you like to see Mina?

Call +852 2523 7121 or request an appointment below, and our team will contact you as soon as possible to confirm your session.

Client Testimonials

“I have rarely come across such an astute and empathetic homeopath such as Mina. She picked up on my remedy almost immediately and within days I was bouncing and had more energy than I had in years. Anytime I had a query or slight setback Mina was there on email, guiding me and listening without fail and without judgement. She is truly special and clearly very good at what she does. I highly recommend a consultation with Mina.”

“My low mood problem started about thirty years ago and it hit me several times over. Every time I consulted my psychiatric doctor, he would prescribe a medicine/anti-depressant, and while I recovered periodically, my moods have always fluctuated and been fragile.

This illness hit me again last year in great extent due to some big life changes and events. I saw my psychiatric doctor, but this time the medicine did not help. One of my friends suggested I consult Ms Mina Weight, a Registered Homeopath at IMI. On my first visit Mina did a very thorough investigation on the history of my problem and took time understanding my daily practices, she then prescribed a homeopathic remedy. I emailed and updated Mina about my condition and Mina would give me advice on what to do with the remedy. My condition gradually improved without any side effects. After several visits my depression was remedied and I am happy to conclude that I am fully recovered.

Finally, I would add, it is indeed a very good alternative to conventional treatment with drugs and Mina Weight is an expert in dealing with mental health.”

“Two years ago I suffered with panic and stress. My therapist recommended the use of homeopathic medicine to support my recovery as a substitute for medication and referred me to Mina. Since then Mina’s help, care, patience and understanding have greatly aided my recovery and today I lead a stable and happy life. Mina has treated my sleep problems successfully and thanks to homeopathy I enjoy confident and relaxing sleep each night. We have also used homeopathic medicine to manage the physical side effects of stress effectively. Homeopathy has been a bridge to my recovery and supported me as I made the necessary changes in my life. If you have found your way to Mina, you are in good hands and I wish you well on your journey back to wellness.”
— GS

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