Introducing triple P – Positive Parenting Programme

When it comes to raising kids and teenagers, everyone has an opinion. So, as a parent, when confronted with one or more difficult situations to handle, it is very difficult to know what’s best and what works. Following the Triple P, you will not need to guess what attitude to have. This is one of the few programs of this type with evidence to show it works for most families, regardless of family structure.

Triple P gives parents simple tools and strategies to help manage big and small problems of everyday family life: problems with toddler tantrums, self-esteem issues, disobedience, aggressiveness, difficulties in mealtime or bedtime, teenage rebellion and more!

Parenting is generally very rewarding and enjoyable, but in such contexts, it can also be difficult, frustrating and exhausting. Yet there are solutions. Once parents learn and master the tools to deal with these situations, they discover they can be much more serene and able to develop a positive relationship with their children, thus enabling them to develop harmoniously.

Whether you need a quick tip on how to deal with a specific problem, or you want ideas on how to encourage the development of your child or you have complex family problems, Triple P can adjust to your needs. According to your possibilities and availability, you can choose from courses in small groups or individual sessions for parents. Triple P will provide you suggestions and ideas to help you:

  • To develop a positive relationship with your children
  • To encourage the behaviors that you enjoy
  • To teach new skills to your children
  • To establish rules and give instructions that your kids will follow
  • To respond to the misconduct immediately, consistently and decisively
  • To use effective discipline strategies
  • To take care of yourself as a parent

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