
Dr Melissa Lee (ND)


Naturopathic Physician

BSc, ND (Canada)


Dr Melissa Lee (ND)

Naturopathic Physician

BSc, ND (Canada)


Dr Melissa Lee (ND)

Naturopathic Physician

BSc, ND (Canada)

Areas of expertise

  • Skin conditions
  • Digestive health challenges
  • Mental and emotional health (including stress and anxiety)
  • Addressing issues impacting energy and focus
  • Relieving hayfever and rhinitis

“I believe that every illness is a teaching, a blessing in disguise to help you change into a better you. I hope to decipher the hidden messages of your dis-ease, and empower you to take charge of your own health.”

Dr. Melissa Lee is a Canadian naturopathic physician passionate about supporting all aspects of physical, mental, and emotional health. Her goals are to maintain wellness and prevent health breakdowns, so clients can do what they need to do with more energy, confidence and focus. Most of all, she emphasizes comprehensive long-term solutions that keep life real.

Dr Lee’s areas of specialism include identifying and addressing the root causes of skin issues, digestive health concerns, hormonal dysregulation and stress. She is passionate about helping clients communicate with their bodies again, and listening to what the body is trying to convey through symptoms. Her unique style of incorporating physical medicine techniques such as Bowen and Total Body Modification, allows her to tailor nutritional, herbal and homeopathy treatments specific to each individual. Combined with her training in conventional pathology, pharmacology and diagnostic testing, Dr. Lee uses a mixture of Eastern and Western philosophies to prescribe both targeted and holistic treatments for people of all ages.

Dr Lee graduated from the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in Canada following an undergraduate in Applied Animal Biology at the University of British Columbia, and a pre-medical internship in Beijing and Shanghai. She is licensed and registered with the British Columbia Naturopathic Association, the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors, and the College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia. She has received additional training under the lineage holder of Total Body Modification, Dr. Kevin Millet, in the art of subtle-influence medicine, as well as with renowned naturopathic homeopathy experts, Dr. Paul Herscu and Dr. Amy Rothenberg in a highly effective style of classical homeopathy.

In addition to caring for patients in clinic, she is also passionate about giving back to the community. Dr. Lee has volunteered with Natural Doctors International (NDI) to provide medical and naturopathic health care to poor communities in Nicaragua, giving health talks to local children and helping to build a local medicinal herb garden. She also enjoys volunteering with children in Scouts, imparting life skills and knowledge in fun and practical ways. In her personal life, she finds balance by going on hikes with rescue dogs, and practices tai chi and qi gong, which she has done for over 10 years.


English and Cantonese

Melissa’s consultation fees:

New patient: HK$1300 / 60 mins
Follow up: HK$400 / 15 mins | HK$700 / 30 mins
Lab tests, remedies, supplements, and products will be charged based on the prescription needs.


李醫生是一位加拿大的自然療法醫生,她熱衷於支持身體、心理和情感健康。 其目標是保持健康和防止健康崩潰,令我們可以有更多精力、信心和和專注地做每一件事情。 最重要的是,她強調全面的長期解決方案,使生活變得真實。

李醫生的專業領域包括識別和解決過敏、皮膚問題、消化系統問題、荷爾蒙失調和壓力狀況的原因。 她熱衷於協助客人與他們自己的身體進行交流,並聆聽身體嘗試通過症狀傳達的信息。 她獨特的風格結合了如鮑文療法(Bowen)和全身修正(Total Body Modification)的物理醫學技術,針對個人需要而度身定制營養、草本藥物和順勢療法的治療。 李醫生結合常規病理學、藥理學和診斷測試方面的培訓,並結合了東西方哲學,為各個年齡層的人士提供針對性和整體性治療。

李醫生畢業於加拿大,獲得英屬哥倫比亞大學應用動物生物學本科學士,並在北京和上海進行了醫學預科實習。 她在加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省自然療法協會(BCNA)、加拿大自然療法醫生協會(CAND)和加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省自然療法醫師學院(CNPBC)獲得執照並註冊。 她在全身修正 (Total Body Modification) 譜系持有人Kevin Millet博士的帶領下接受相關醫學培訓,並與著名的自然療法和順勢療法專家Paul Herscu博士和Amy Rothenberg博士一起接受了有效而專業的順勢療法培訓。

除了在診所照顧病人外,李醫生還熱衷於回饋社會。 她自願與國際自然醫生(NDI)合作,為尼加拉瓜的貧困社區提供醫療和自然療法保健服務,向當地兒童進行健康講座,並幫助建立當地的草藥園。 她更在童子軍中當志願者,以有趣和實用的方式傳授生活技能和知識。 在她的個人生活中,她與救護犬一起徒步旅行,並練習太極拳和氣功已有十多年,從而找到了平衡點。




新症:港幣 1300 / 60 分鐘
覆診:港幣 400 / 15 分鐘 |港幣 700 / 30 分鐘

Would you like to see Melissa?

Call +852 2523 7121 or book online to schedule your appointment below*. 

*For instructions, please see here.

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