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Can osteopathy help to heal the gut?
Our osteopaths can help you overcome a number of gut issues, including constipation, diarrhoea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, bloating and abdominal distension.
How metabolic testing takes the guesswork out of candida treatment
From a naturopath’s point of view, the digestive tract is considered the cause of many health issues and not just those related to digestion: aching muscles, fluid retention, weight gain, slowed metabolism, joint pains, concentration, headaches and skin problems as well as depression can have their source in the gut....
Gut instinct – eczema, arthritis, chronic fatigue or depression. Are your health issues caused by your gut?
Mary asked me how she could have developed food intolerances as an adult. But as she told me about her health history, it emerged that as a child she was often treated with antibiotics for earaches and chesty coughs. In fact, she still continued to take a couple of courses...
Probiotics: A Matter of Life and Health
The health world is full of fads- but one trend with scientifically proven results is the field of probiotics. These powerful bacteria are able to nourish our gut, brain and immunity all in one go. But for those of you wondering what these bacteria are and if we really need...
What does your gut say? Don’t guess, test.
Our approach at IMI is to determine the exact causes of your gut issues. To do this, our naturopaths may recommend industry-leading tests that will pinpoint the reasons you’re struggling. Here’s a snapshot of the main tests that have helped our naturopaths heal a myriad gut challenges. Comprehensive stool analysis:...